At Metcalfe Public School, we acknowledge that the land on which we work and learn is traditional Algonquin territory. Our community is home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples, and we recognize the enduring presence of Indigenous Peoples on this land.
Our School
Metcalfe Public School has a strong and long-standing tradition of dedication to student success in the Osgoode Township area. Many of our families have attended this school for generations. Over the last few years, MPS has grown in its diversity and now welcomes approximately 300 students from a variety of cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. The diversity of students in our school and families in our community are met by an incredible staff who care deeply.
As a team of educators at MPS, we meet each student where they are at and recognize their individual learning needs in order to foster their social and academic success. We support students' mental health needs, as well as those with special education needs. We work diligently to ensure that each child in our care reaches their full potential in all areas of their life and school career.
Our Students
Metcalfe P.S. is growing and for the 2022-2023 school year, our enrolment is approximately 300 students, 50% of which are in the Intermediate panel and come to our school from feeder schools (Metcalfe P.S., Greely E.S., and Osgoode P.S). Most of our grade 8 students move on to attend Osgoode Township High School in Metcalfe.
Many of our students come from strong agricultural roots, participating in 4H clubs and the Metcalfe Fair annually. A recent trend is the arrival of new neighbours looking for tranquil rural life.
Our Staff
Metcalfe PS has a staff of approximately 35. This includes administrators, full and part time teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, office staff, library technician, and our custodial team.
Many of our teachers hold additional qualifications and specialties in a variety of areas including Special Education, the Arts, Physical Education, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Reading and French as a Second Language, as well as certification in First Aid and CPR, and Behaviour Management Systems Training.
Our entire staff meets regularly to support school, board and ministry initiatives, as well as extra-curricular activities. Our staff participates regularly in workshops to support ongoing professional growth opportunities and we have a strong mentoring culture where experienced staff members assist and encourage our beginning teachers and staff new to our school.
Additional support for our students and community comes from a Multicultural Liaison Officer who is on an as needed basis. Monthly visits from our school-assigned Speech Language Pathologist, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist and Psychologist supplement support for staff, students and learning.
Our Community
Parents and Community
Metcalfe P.S. continues to enjoy a close multi-generational relationship with the community as a whole. Community-sponsored events often have school representation. For example, the annual Metcalfe Fair involves active participation from our families, our school, and the extended community. This sense of community is also evident inside the school building.
The blending of farmland, local businesses and families who commute to the city make up our community.
Parent and Community volunteers are highly valued by our staff and students. Our School Council is a volunteer group involving parents/guardians; teaching and non-teaching staff representatives, and the Principal. Our School Council has a representative on OCASC who provide a regional perspective at monthly meetings. Our School Council advocates for all of our students and is the voice for all parents and guardians.
We have volunteers assisting in a variety of roles throughout the school, such as reading to children, preparing learning materials and assisting with field trips. Our parents contribute through fundraising, special lunches and special events.
Volunteers run our annual Jingle Bells Bazaar. This event provides a special children’s holiday shopping day. This day is one of the very pleasurable highlights of the year!
The School Council connects with the greater school community through monthly council meetings, and regular communications through the school weekly communication, "Message From The Mustangs" messages. More information can about our School Council be found by clicking onto the tab labelled "School Council"on this website.
Mission Statement
“Encouraging excellence in education and responsible citizenship.”
In collaboration with the school community, we work diligently to ensure that all students reach their full potential, feel seen, heard and have a strong sense of belonging.
Our school is a safe and caring community where we develop independent, respectful and responsible citizens who engage in lifelong learning.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Our school is a triple track school and serves students from Kindergarten to grade 8. We offer three programs: Regular English, Early French Immersion, and Middle French Immersion:
- Kindergarten Program (Year 1 and Year 2)
- English Program with Core French (Grades 1-8)
- Early French Immersion (Grades 1-8)
- Middle French Immersion(Grades 4-8)
We have a Balanced School Day schedule which allows for 3 uninterrupted learning blocks.
Metcalfe P.S. has an amazing instrumental music program being offered for students in Grades 7 and 8.
Clubs and Activities
Our students engage in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom. Our sports programs include intramural school based activities that encourage widespread participation. Our students compete with other schools in the board in soccer, cross country running, basketball, volleyball, as well as many other sports.
Our School Council has been very supportive of our extra- and co-curricular activities. Among other things, they have assisted in providing playground equipment, buddy benches, sports jerseys, robotics kits, technology, sound and lighting equipment, choir music, stage stairs and arts performances for the students.
Our staff and volunteers are very giving of their own time. Listed below are some of the activities that are available to our students outside of the regular classroom schedule.
- Storytelling
- Lunch, Milk, Door, Bus and Kindergarten Monitors
- Student Council and Spirit Club (Primary, Junior, Intermediate representation) activities include: Spirit Days , Spring Fling Dances, fundraisers for charitable organizations, school beautification, Intermediate graduation, events and contests.
- Hot Lunches run by our School Council Volunteers
- Daily milk/juice program is run by the school.
- Our wide range of athletics for all students including intramurals – football, soccer, cross-country, track & field, basketball, volleyball, badminton
- Winter Activity Program
- Leadership Activities and Team Building
- Breakfast Program
- Yearbook
- Eco Club
Facilities and Resources
The Metcalfe P.S. library/learning commons acts as the "hub" of the school, and is open to students and staff for research, book circulation, and also serves as an alternate learning space for students and groups of students. Our School Council has been actively collaborating with the principal and staff to modernized and beautify the library space in order to create an inviting literacy environment. During the 2021-2022 school year, our students and staff collaborated and together decided to have a mural created in this large space which is utilized by all students and staff. In order to bring this vision to life, students created and shared their own images, as well as words that they felt were reflective of the school community and culture at Metcalfe. We have shared these images and words with a local artist and cannot wait until this mural is brought to life!
We have a beautiful courtyard in the centre of the school which is accessible through the library, as well as one classroom and the main office space. This area is utilized by students and staff, and offers an alternate learning space.
Our school yard is a large one and includes a large field, two play structures, and pavement area. This provide areas for play and daily physical activity at recess times.
Metcalfe P.S. has a large gymnasium with the capability to be divided into two smaller gyms. A retractable stage is used extensively for many purposes. Our staff offers an extremely diverse extra-curricular athletics program which compliments the physical education program.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Our school is a triple track school and serves students from Kindergarten to grade 8. We offer three programs: Regular English, Early French Immersion, and Middle French Immersion, which begins in grade 4. We look forward to working with our families to determine the best program and fit for each student.
A description of each program can be found below:
Kindergarten Program (Year 1 and Year 2)
We offer a two-year, full-day, 50/50 bilingual kindergarten program. The program provides all students with the opportunity to develop skill in English and French.
English Program with Core French (Grades 1-8)
Students in the elementary English Program receive instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
Early French Immersion (Grades 1-8)
Students in the Early French Immersion Program receive instruction in both English and French. In grade 1, students receive 80 percent of instruction in French. In grades 2-6, students receive 60 percent of instruction in French. In grades 7-8, students receive 50 percent of instruction in French.
Middle French Immersion(Grades 4-8)
Students in the Middle French Immersion Program receive instruction in both French and English. In grades 4-6, students receive 66 percent of instruction in French and in grades 7-8 students receive 50 percent of instruction in French.
We have a Balanced School Day schedule which allows for 3 uninterrupted learning blocks.
Metcalfe P.S. has an amazing instrumental music program being offered for students in Grades 7 and 8.
Clubs and Activities
Our students engage in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom. Our sports programs include intramural school based activities that encourage widespread participation. Our students compete with other schools in the board in soccer, cross country running, basketball, volleyball, as well as many other sports.
Our School Council has been very supportive of our extra- and co-curricular activities. Among other things, they have assisted in providing playground equipment, buddy benches, sports jerseys, robotics kits, technology, sound and lighting equipment, choir music, stage stairs and arts performances for the students.
Our staff and volunteers are very giving of their own time. Listed below are some of the activities that are available to our students outside of the regular classroom schedule.
- Storytelling
- Lunch, Milk, Door, Bus and Kindergarten Monitors
- Student Council and Spirit Club (Primary, Junior, Intermediate representation) activities include: Spirit Days, Spring Fling Dances, fundraisers for charitable organizations, school beautification, Intermediate graduation, events and contests.
- Hot Lunches run by our School Council Volunteers
- Daily milk/juice program is run by the school.
- Our wide range of athletics for all students including intramurals – football, soccer, cross-country, track & field, basketball, volleyball, badminton
- Winter Activity Program
- Leadership Activities and Team Building
- Breakfast Program
- Yearbook
- Eco Club
Facilities and Resources
The Metcalfe P.S. library/learning commons acts as the "hub" of the school, and is open to students and staff for research, book circulation, and also serves as an alternate learning space for students and groups of students. Our School Council has been actively collaborating with the principal and staff to modernized and beautify the library space in order to create an inviting literacy environment. During the 2021-2022 school year, our students and staff collaborated and together decided to have a mural created in this large space which is utilized by all students and staff. In order to bring this vision to life, students created and shared their own images, as well as words that they felt were reflective of the school community and culture at Metcalfe. We have shared these images and words with a local artist and cannot wait until this mural is brought to life!
We have a beautiful courtyard in the centre of the school which is accessible through the library, as well as one classroom and the main office space. This area is utilized by students and staff, and offers an alternate learning space.
Our school yard is a large one and includes a large field, two play structures, and pavement area. This provide areas for play and daily physical activity at recess times.
Metcalfe P.S. has a large gymnasium with the capability to be divided into two smaller gyms. A retractable stage is used extensively for many purposes. Our staff offers an extremely diverse extra-curricular athletics program which compliments the physical education program.