School Snow Day Procedures

School Snow Day Procedures

Please post this on your fridge or by your phone for reference.

If buses are cancelled,
MUST call in their absences.


Parents of bused students do not have to call in their absences
as it is assumed that they will stay home.

In the event of a major snow or ice storm, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board will ask radio/television stations to announce bus cancellations by 6:15 a.m.

This information will also be available on the Transportation (OSTA) website or via twitter @OttSchoolBus or @OCDSB

When buses are cancelled in the morning, schools remain open. However, buses are cancelled for the entire day.
If you choose to bring your child to school, please be aware that you will need to return to pick them up at 2:45 p.m.
Please send your child with a lunch as all food programs are cancelled when the buses are cancelled.