Principal/Vice Principal Message

Welcome to MPS! Metcalfe PS is a K-8 triple track school located in the village of Metcalfe. It is a growing school community school with approximately 300 students, 38 staff members (teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, office and custodial team). All staff at MPS are committed to helping each and every one of our students achieve to their full potential, in a safe and caring learning environment.  

At MPS, we value our diverse population and believe that learning about, and celebrating our differences, as well as our common interests, helps to unite us and makes us who we are - a family of learners.

We are fortunate to have the support of a wonderful community of families at our school. We encourage your participation and involvement through joining our School Council, attending School Council meetings and events, as well as volunteering in our school.
We are committed to keeping you informed about what is happening at our school through our regular communications, and encourage you to reach out to your child's educators if you have questions or concerns.

We look forward to a great year together!

Amanda Campbell & Brad Hunter

Principal & Vice-Principal
Metcalfe PS